CWA 3170

CWA is the union that bargains for and enforces your employment contract. Due to last years Legislative Session, a new law was passed requiring all public sector unions to have 60% membership, Payroll dues have been outlawed and every member must have a signed PERC (Public Employee Relations Commission) form on file, this is now a part of our online sign-up process.

To Join click here –

Congratulations to our Alachua County Library District! The Library submitted over 60% (62.9%) and have officially been recertified!

City of Gainesville Unit has already recognized the new unit and has begun Bargaining 2025-27 Contracts. Gainesville Housing Authority is also awaiting an election, bargaining has also begun for next contract.

GRU, at this time has voluntarily recognized the new GRU Unit but is not bargaining yet, but we expect the Election notices and we are working towards assembling our bargaining team.

Our Second GRU Steering/Bargaining Committee Meeting will be held on January 28thth at 6-7pm, the meeting will be held in person at the Union hall (Upstairs) and on Google Meet (online).

City/General Government Steering Committee meeting will be held at the Union hall (downstairs Conference room) February 5th at 6pm (Downstairs in the conference room) or on Google meet, fill out the form below and an email will be sent with invite.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in participating in a committee

REMINDER: The union is prohibited from contacting anyone on their work emails or phones, if you have not received any correspondence from us, check your spam folders, if you do not have any emails fill out the form above and we will add you to our email list.

Not yet a member and you want to Join? It is easy, click on the link below

If you have any problems signing up on the website, please contact Union Organizer- Jenn Powell 352-215-2243 or email

CWA 3170 Proudly Serves Employees Of
The City of Gainesville

Gainesville Regional Utilities
Gainesville Housing Authority
The Alachua County Library District

This site has been developed for the purpose of providing quick and efficient access to information

Please check back frequently for updated NEWS affecting CWA.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact a steward or local officer

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Join us the 2nd Thursday of every month for our monthly member meeting

Meetings are open to all active dues paying CWA members

Meeting doors open at 6pm for Food and Drinks

Member meeting starts promptly at 6:30pm

( Directions to the CWA Meeting Hall can be found HERE )

City- General Government IBBT Minutes (Interest Based Bargaining Team)

City/GRU General IBBT Minutes (Interest Based Bargaining Team)

Join Today or Update your contact information below

CWA 3170 is prohibited from contacting you on your work email or phone, please keep your information current, or you may miss important notices. To become a member visit or contact Union Organizer Jenn Powell at 352-215-2243 or

If you need to contact your Union Steward (Union Representative) see the link below for a list of all stewards. If you are interested in becoming a Union Steward please contact Jenn Powell 352-215-2243.

Union Stewards- updated 2/12/2025